Behind a Top Mortgage Employer’s company culture

“Our culture is driven by our values. People are our main asset. To that end, we ensure that our work is engaging, our culture is empowering, and the learning opportunities are enriching.”

But in line with recent market changes and economic uncertainty, Koehler expects the lull in hiring demand to continue for some time in the mortgage industry.

“Only critical roles will be staffed,” Koehler said. “In the near future, we see a continued consolidation of the market with limited new openings and companies taking the opportunity to review their tools, platforms, and processes for maximum efficiency.

Read more: The right move at the right time

“We have provided career assistance through resume-writing and interviewing courses, provided information on unemployment benefits and worker assistance programs, and always ensure that they know our HR team is available to assist them as they get back on their feet.  Just as important is ensuring that your employees who have survived the layoffs feel secure and motivated, going above and beyond in one-on-one and group connects is key to doing this, and continuous communication that is candid, transparent and motivating can help survivors move through the grief that comes with any major layoff.”

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